Print to Metal


It sounds incredible. You create a file on your computer, and then print that file as a metal object.

I visited the Shapeways booth earlier this month at the SIGGRAPH 2009 conference in New Orleans. Shapeways interfaces with 3D modeling programs to let you transform your 3D creations into plastic or stainless steel objects.

You can use the company’s website to upload your 3D design, as long as the design is in a standard 3D-modeling file format, such as STL, Collada, X3D, or VRML. You pay a fee based on the size of the resulting object, and Shapeways delivers the object globally within 22 business days for metal or 10 business days for plastic.

If you’re a product designer, you can participate in the Shapeways Shops program, which combines production, packaging, shipping, and customer care. That might be an expensive proposition for established mass-market designers who benefit from the lower costs associated with traditional manufacturing, but it could prove useful for less-commercial products or experimental designs.

Non-designers can also try out the technology. Using Shapeways Creator, you can design and purchase ringpoem napkin rings with a personal message, lightpoem lamps with a favorite quotation, or custom cufflinks with a particular style and initials.

This could be the start of a whole new cottage industry, where you would use specialized software to create and manufacture the physical products you want to decorate your home or office.

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