Bloom: 10 Worlds

This is a demo of the second world from the Bloom: 10 Worlds music app. It’s a universal app that’s available for both the iPhone and iPad.

In the demo, when you see a white bar at the button of the screen, I’m playing a simple five note sequence that I vary slightly each time. Notice how when the sequences repeat, they deteriorate in rhythm and clarity. It’s similar to the echoing ripples that you might see when you throw a rock into a pond.

Bloom: 10 Worlds

Bloom: 10 Worlds was created by Brian Eno and Peter Chilvers. It supports both user input and fully automated background play.

Bloom: 10 Worlds

The onscreen interface is minimally intuitive. You can engage the autoplay feature, pause the playback of the autoplay feature, clear the screen to start over again, set a timer for the autoplay, or return to the home screen to select another of the ten worlds.

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